
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Dear Lord, 

I pray that in these final days of support-raising, people will be convicted like never before. I pray that those reading my blogs and keeping up with my instagram will feel led to donate. I pray that people will see that no donation is “too small” and that every penny counts. I pray that instead of spending $8 on a coffee this morning, someone will donate that to us God. Lord I ask that you help people understand why i’m support-raising. This money isn’t for me, it is for you and your calling for my life. I pray that people will see it as investing in the Kingdom and not as a waste of money. I pray that people don’t see it as me “begging” for money, but rather them partnering with me. When people donate I pray it doesn’t end there; I pray that they continue to keep up with my blogs to see how you are working through me, and that they will continue to pray for me and my team. So far we have raised $9,000 Lord which means we have $7,000 left. No amount is too big for you God!! I know that if you are calling me into missions that you will provide!! You will continue to make a way! I pray that this month I talk to more people about this mission trip and how you are working than I have ever before. I leave in 15 days Lord and I pray that I can get fully funded before I go. Your miracles have no timeline!! You could simply speak a $7,000 donation into existence in a second. You are a miracle worker Lord and I pray that you will work miracles through this mission trip and the support-raising process. Thank you Jesus for the money we have already raised, and thank you in advance for the rest of the money we’re about to raise. I pray these things in your holy name, amen. 

2 responses to “a support-raising prayer.”

  1. Becca,

    What a heartfelt prayer you just wrote out. Oh, how we hope you are able to raise the money you need for your Gap year. Praying like crazy for you in Michigan. This is Tim and Susan deForest and we are going to be your coaches this year. We fly to GA on Wednesday and hopefully we will get to meet you on Thursday. 🙂