
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today has been the day i’ve been praying for. I’ve been praying the past 2 weeks for a divine appointment to be set up. Divine appointments are “Spirit-led meetings that give us the opportunity to be used in God’s service for the advancement of His Kingdom.” This morning I had the amazing opportunity of meeting the sweetest little girl. A few friends and I were stopping by at taco bell when we met her. She was sitting in a booth all by herself. Her mom was working behind the counter making minimum wage in order to support for her. We sat down with her and her 6 year old self shared with us that her dad was soon to be put in jail and her and her mom were staying at a hotel. Despite everything, she had radiating joy that filled the room. Her smile warmed my heart. I decided to walk to the store next to the taco bell with one of the girls and buy her a few toys to play with while her mom continued working. We bought everything in the store with a unicorn on it. The smile on her face when we gave her the present will never escape my mind. God used us to help make this beautiful little girl feel like a “normal” child. All she wanted to do was color in her colouring book and talk about unicorns, not have to face the fact that she was going back to a hotel room for the night. Before we left taco bell, the girl I went to the store with gave the little girls mom a card with a sweet note inside as well as a gift card in order to help her out as much as we could. Thank you Jesus for using us to spread your love. Thank you for this little girls smile. Thank you for giving me a heart for your people. Thank you for your divine appointments. 

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